The Novoferm guide
Tips & tricks for garage doors
Tips & tricks for garage doors
Garage doors are undoubtedly extremely important elements of any garage. They provide the space your vehicle needs to access its parking space and protect it from the weather, theft or other possible negative influences. The garage interior itself also benefits from a good garage door. This is because the dangers of damp corners or even mould can be practically eliminated with the right door.
However, all these benefits can only be achieved if not only a high-quality, highly functional garage door is chosen, but also if it is installed correctly. Read on to find out how the professionals go about installing a garage door, what you need to pay particular attention to with electric garage door openers and why it is usually better to have the garage door installed.
Installing garage doors always involves considerable effort.
Without the right tools and a certain amount of technical expertise, you will not achieve a satisfactory result. If you want to be on the safe side, have a professional install your garage door(s).
In addition to saving time, this has many other important advantages.
Accurate fit: Measuring correctly is something that needs to be learnt. If you install your garage door yourself and don't work with a tape measure and folding rule every day, there's a high risk that you'll mismeasure and end up ordering a door that doesn't fit properly. You can hand over this responsibility to a professional.
Functional reliability: Garage doors must function reliably over the long term. They are a significant cost factor. A professional will ensure that everything works properly and that you can enjoy your door for a long time. Furthermore, the operation of a garage door can be dangerous for people if it is not installed correctly. The expert knows exactly what he is doing and guarantees the necessary safety.
Advice, customer service, guarantee: If you work with a specialist company, you will receive a guarantee on your door and its installation. In addition, you can usually rely on good advice and long-term support in the event of any questions, problems, etc.
The installation of a garage door usually takes place in five simple steps with the support of a professional.
Even before installing a garage door, there are many subtleties to consider. We have summarised the two most important factors for you here. If you have your garage door installed by a professional, you will of course not run the risk of making serious mistakes in any of these areas.
Novoferm is your reliable, customer-focussed and experienced partner for the installation of your garage doors. We offer you a full service - from detailed advice and the removal of your old doors to the commissioning of your new system. You too can rely on innovation, quality and reliability in products and service - based on over 60 years of company tradition.